Only 13% of Asians have some kind of contact with Christians.
There are 667 million people who do not have access to the Gospel in East Asia.
In Japan, less than 1% of the population is Christian. Besides this fact, 70% of the churches in Japan have less than 30 members.
Tokyo is the biggest metropolis in the world and, simultaneously, this city has the biggest concentration of unreached people in the world.
However, with your PARTNERSHIP, we are together to change this reality.
How to be a partner of our ministry

- FINANCIALLY – You can make a donation (of any amount), as you have decided in your heart to give, monthly or in the way you desire (2 Corinthians 9:7-8).
- INTERCEDING – You can pray for hearts to be opened to our message, for us to preach the Gospel with boldness and for deliverance of any evil during our journey (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2).
- WITH YOUR TALENTS – In the missionary field, we need many workers, and, thanks to technology, even distant, you can contribute with your gifts and talents: editing photos, designing pamphlets, editing videos, etc. It is a wonderful way to contribute to the expansion of the Gospel in Asia (Matthew 25:21).